Vassilis Hartzoulakis
This paper examines the extent to which KPG
script raters agree on their marking
decisions and it reports on a study whose aim
was to investigate the effectiveness of the
instruments used for the rating process as
designed by the KPG English team of experts. The
data of this study was the marks given by
different raters to A1+A2, B1, B2 and C1 level
scripts of candidates who took the KPG exam in
English between 2005 and 2008. The data was
obtained at the Athens Script Rating Centre and
analyzed in terms of reliability in scoring
decisions. The analysis of the data of each
examination period shows that there are high
correlations in marks given by different raters;
that is, the inter-rater reliability index is
constantly above r =.50. The investigation also
indicates that the degree of correlation is
dependent on the level of the scripts being
marked. That is to say, scores for B1 level
scripts are in greater agreement than those for
B2 level scripts, and so on. However, on the
whole, the investigation shows that raters apply
the evaluation criteria and use the rating grid
effectively, demonstrating statistically
significant high correlations across different
exam periods.
Testing; Script rating; Validity; Inter-rater
reliability; Rater agreement; Correlation
1. Introduction
In classical test theory, the rating or observed
score of a writing sample (henceforth script) is
an estimate of the true proficiency (or true
score) that is exhibited in the sample (Penny,
Johnson, & Gordon, 2000). Any differences
between the observed score and the true score
are attributed to what is generally referred to
as measurement error of which there are many
types. In all measurement procedures there is
the potential of error, so the aim is to
minimize it. An observed test score is made up
of the true score plus measurement error. The
goal of all assessment agencies is to produce an
accurate estimate of the true score. Several
measures are usually taken in that direction.
One is the employment of multiple raters to
produce multiple ratings of the same script and
then combine those ratings into a single
observed score. The averaging process is
expected to produce an observed score that is
closer to the true score by the cancellation of
random measurement error (Penny et al., 2000).
Moreover, it is expected that the training of
the raters together with their experience and
expertise, will reduce the measurement error and
result in better agreement on the level of
proficiency that is exhibited in a given script.
This agreement between raters is known as inter-rater
reliability or rater agreement, and it is one of
the estimates for the overall reliability of a
test. In order to be valid, a
test must be reliable; however, reliability does
not guarantee validity. Reliability is the
extent to which a test yields consistent scores
when it is repeated.
There are a number of different
methods for checking the reliability of a test
(Professional Testing, 2006; Trochim, 2000;
Alderson et al., 1995).
The traditional way, according to Alderson et
al. (1995), is to
the test to
the same group of people at least twice and
correlate the first set of scores with the
second set of scores. This is known as
test-retest reliability. Another way of
assessing test reliability is alternate (or
parallel) forms. This method involves
administering a test to a group and then
administering an alternate form of the same test
to the same group. Correlation between the two
scores is the estimate of the test reliability.
A third method is to calculate the split-half
reliability index. In this method, a test is
split into two halves which are then treated as
being parallel versions, and reliability is
measured as the correlation between them. A more
complex method is internal (or inter-item)
consistency. This method is based on item-level
data, and it computes inter-item correlations as
Cronbach's alpha between 0 (low) and 1 (high);
the greater the number of similar items, the
greater the internal consistency. Finally, a
method that checks both the reliability of the
test and the reliability of the script raters is
inter-rater reliability. This method refers to
the correlation of scores given by different
raters on the same script.
This paper investigates rater agreement in
Module 2 (free written production and written
mediation) of the Greek State Certificate of
Language Proficiency (KPG) exams in English. We
focus on the factors affecting the rating
process in the specific situation and examine
the extent to which these factors contribute to
higher inter-rater reliability. This index was
selected as the others presented quite a few
problems in our particular situation.
Administrative restrictions do not allow the
administration of the same KPG test twice, let
alone the impracticality of asking the examinees
to sit for a second identical test immediately
after finishing the first one. Similarly, the
administration of two different versions of the
test for the same group of candidates in the
same period is also prohibited. The written
production part of the KPG exam in English
requires the examinees to produce two different
scripts based on different stimuli; thus, the
split-half reliability index cannot be used
either, as the test cannot be split into two
equal halves. Therefore, test-retest, alternate
forms and split-half reliability measures cannot
be checked and inter-item consistency is not
applicable since there are no items in this
module. This leaves us with inter-rater
reliability as the only method of checking test
reliability and rater agreement for the specific
An analysis of rater agreement is presented for
the B2 and C1 level examinations in the years
2005, 2006, 2007 and 2008, for the
B1 level examinations in the May 2007,
November 2007 and May 2008 periods, and for the
intergraded A level of the May 2008 examination
period. For the purposes of the present study, a
number of randomly selected papers amounting to
at least 40% of the total number for each level
and each period were selected as a
representative sample. This secures at least 500
papers for each analysis, which is adequate for
a reliable measurement.
The analyses for the 2007 and 2008 exam periods
were conducted on the whole of the population;
that is all the KPG exam system candidates.
inter-rater reliability index was then computed
separately for each of the two tasks that
comprise the whole of the written part of the
exam for all levels.
2. Aims of the study
The on-going study on inter-rater reliability in
the KPG script rating process is carried out as
a means of investigating the effectiveness of
the instruments subservient to the process
employed by the KPG test developers. These
instruments are: a) the rating grid along with
the assessment criteria, b) the script raters
training material and training seminars and c)
the on-the-spot consultancy to the raters by KPG
experts and test developers. The training
material and training seminars are each time
especially designed for every single period
based on the given tasks, resulting in specific
as to how each different writing
task should be rated. The same applies for the
consultancy provided to the script raters during
the actual process of rating, which adds to the
homogeneity of the rating grid interpretation.
The abovementioned instruments have been
designed with the aim of achieving the highest
possible rater agreement, which is part and
parcel of the overall reliability for any test.
3. Approaches to rating scripts
Expressing thoughts in written form is ‘probably
the most
constructive act that most
human beings are ever expected to perform’ (Bereiter
and Scardamalia, 1983: 20 cited in Gamaroff,
2000). The complexity of the act makes the
objective assessment of performance very
difficult. The way a reader/script rater
understands a written text especially in essays
or even short compositions where inferential
judgements have to be made varies depending on
factors that have to do with the individual’s
global comprehension of a passage, his or her
inferential ability, and his or her
interpretation of meaning of words in each
context. Hamp-Lyons (1990) argues that the reliability of rating scripts
heavily depends on the attitudes and conceptions
of the rater. Therefore, problems arise in
evaluating objectively when inferential
judgements have to be converted to a score. It
is true that one can have a largely objective
scoring system when scores are primarily based
on correct structural forms, as is the case with
numerous language exams. However, this is not
applicable in the KPG system as it does not
focus on measuring correct syntactico-grammatical
forms only, but on measuring ‘candidates’
abilities and skills to make socially purposeful
use of the target language at home and abroad’ (RCeL,
2007). This does not simply entail correct
syntax and grammar in the produced written
texts, but also entails making appropriate
language choices by taking into consideration
the communicative and social context within
which the produced text appears.
The question that comes up then is how can
writing tasks be converted to numbers that will
yield meaningful variance between learners? It
has been suggested (Oller, 1979) that
inferential judgements should be based
intended meaning and not merely on correct
structural forms. Gamaroff (2000) suggests that
when rating written texts, it is preferable for
the rater to ‘rewrite’ the intended meaning in
his or her mind and then decide on a mark.
Still, even then, one cannot secure reliability
and objectivity in rating as there are different
conceptions of whether or not meaning has been
conveyed appropriately.
Another approach to rating written texts is
correcting syntactic-grammatical and lexical
mistakes and accordingly subtracting points for
every one depending on its seriousness. This
approach has been heavily criticised as each rater has his or her own standards regarding
what is grammatically correct or not, let alone
the concept of the seriousness of mistakes,
which also varies in the mind of every rater.
The above factors led researchers to construct
rating grids to aid the rater in converting the
text’s qualitative characteristics into
quantitative ones. Rating grids have been found
to contribute to the decrease in
when it comes to rating written texts, although
they cannot secure absolute objectivity (Tsopanoglou,
2000). Evidently rating grids should be explicit
and concise. They should be explicit so that
raters will interpret them homogeneously; and
they should be concise so that they are
practical to use. When rating grids are properly
employed by trained raters, the rating procedure
will most likely display consistency among
4. KPG writing, script rater
training and the rating procedure
Module 2 of the KPG exam requires candidates
to produce two texts of various lengths that
range from 100 to 300 words each, depending on the exam level.
The first text is produced based on stimulus
given in English, whereas the second one is
produced based on stimulus given in Greek. In
the latter case, candidates
to act as
mediators selecting information from the Greek
source and transferring it to English producing
scripts of similar or even completely different
formats. Each script is rated twice, by two
different script raters. The script raters rate
each of the two tasks on a 0-15 scale, employing
the rating grid and assessment criteria
(Appendix) set by the test developers and
without signalling anything on the papers
themselves. They then mask their marks and names
and return the papers to the examination
secretariat. The rated papers are then randomly
redistributed to the same pool of raters, taking
care that no paper is given to the same rater
that had initially marked it.
4.1 Training KPG script raters
Before the rating procedure for every
examination period begins, the KPG English team
prepares a training seminar for all script
raters where the candidates’ performance
expectations for the specific test are presented
and discussed. The performance expectations are
individualised for every single test and are
determined in the piloting phase of the test
prior to its administration and in
pilot-evaluating sessions held after its
administration. During the training seminar,
have the chance to go through the rating
grid in conjunction with the performance
expectations and rate sample papers by applying
the criteria that have been set for every
different task. This ensures the adoption of a
common approach towards rating and helps in
establishing consistency in the given marks.
This kind of training is an on-going process, as
during the rating procedure itself, each script
rater is assigned to a supervisor (an
experienced and specially trained member of the KPG staff). The supervisor constantly offers
support by discussing fine points and offering
his or her opinion in cases where the rater is
uncertain about the proper application of the
criteria for assessing the paper.
4.2 Rating procedure
The script raters rate the two texts produced by
each candidate on a scale of 0 to 15 for each text and on the basis of the rating grid
previously discussed. Candidates’ papers are
grouped in packs of 50 and are rated by two
raters randomly selected from a pool of about
150. After the first rater has rated the 50
papers in a pack and the given marks are masked,
the pack is passed to a second rater, who also
gives his or her own marks. The final mark given
to each candidate is the mean score
two raters. It is interesting to note that the
raters do not signal mistakes (either stylistic
or structural) on the papers; therefore the
second rater does not see any notes made on the
paper by the first rater and is left completely
uninfluenced, a fact that ensures the maximum
possible objectivity. Bachman (2004) argues that
it is essential that the second ratings be
independent of the first and if written essays
are scored, no identifying information and no
marks should be made on the paper during the
first rating. On the other hand, this procedure
runs a bigger risk of inconsistencies in the way
the two raters rate the responses resulting in
measurement errors. Still, this issue is
resolved by training the raters as meticulously
as possible on how to apply the rating grid in
combination with the candidates’ expected
outcomes for every single exam, then fine-tuning
and re-evaluating the procedure by constantly
estimating the consistency across raters, or in
other words, the inter-rater reliability of
5. Approaches to inter-rater
Inter-rater reliability is the widely used term
for the extent to which independent raters
evaluate data and reach the same conclusion
(Lombard et al., 2005). It is part of the
overall analysis for rater agreement, which is
concerned with reconciling the raters’
subjectivity and the objective precision of the
mark. Inter-rater reliability investigation is
particularly important in ‘subjective’ tests
such as essay tests, where fluctuations in
judgements exist between different raters (Gamaroff,
2000). However, agreement among raters is
extremely important not only in academic domains
but in every domain where more than one judge
rates performance. Such domains include areas as
far apart from each other as gymnastics or
figure skating in the Olympic Games, medical
diagnoses, jurors’ judgements in criminal trials
and test-eaters’ judgements on the chef’s
performance when rating restaurants (Von Eye &
Mun, 2005).
Inter-rater reliability studies in education
mostly focus on the consistency of given marks
in order to establish the extent of consensus on
the use of the instrument (rating grid) by those
who administer it. In such cases, it is vital
that all raters apply the criteria on the rating
grid in exactly the same way,
resulting in a
homogeneous rating approach. This, in turn, is
one of the criteria that comprise a reliable
testing system. Tinsley and Weiss (2000) prefer
the term ‘inter‑rater (or inter-coder)
agreement’ as they note that although inter-rater
reliability assesses how far ‘ratings of
different judges are the same when expressed as
deviations from their means,’ inter‑rater
agreement is needed because it measures ‘the
extent to which the different judges tend to
assign exactly the same rating to each object’
(p. 98). However, here, the term inter-rater
reliability will be used in its widely accepted
sense, as a correlation between the two sets of
ratings (Bachman, 2004).
Statisticians have not reached a consensus on
one universally accepted index of inter-rater
reliability and depending on
the type of data
and the purpose of the study, different indices
have been suggested (Penny et al., 2000;
Alderson et al., 1995). Among those are: 1)
percent exact agreement, 2) percent adjacent
agreement, 3) Pearson product-moment correlation
coefficient, 4) the phi index of dependability
from the Generalizability Theory, and 5) the
Intra-class Correlation Coefficient (ICC).
Percent exact and adjacent agreement indices are
computed just as one would expect from the
names. That is, percent exact agreement is the
percentage of times that two raters agree
exactly on the score given to a performance, and
percent adjacent agreement is the percentage of
times that two raters agree to within one unit
on the score given to a performance. For
example, using a four-point integer scale, if
one rater assigns a score of 2 and the second
rater assigns a score of 3, then the ratings are
not in exact agreement, but they are in adjacent
Perhaps the most popular
statistic for calculating the degree of
consistency between judges is the Pearson
correlation coefficient or ‘Pearson’s r’ (Stemler,
2004). It is a convenient index as it can be
computed by
or by using most statistical
software packages. If the rating scale is
continuous, Pearson's r can be used to measure
the correlation among pairs of raters. If the
rating scale is ordinal, Spearman’s ñ is used
instead. However, in both cases, the magnitude
of the differences between raters is not taken
into account. Shrout and Fleiss (1979),
demonstrate this drawback with an example: If
Judge A assigned the scores 9,
10, 5, 15 to four scripts and Judge B
assigned 7, 8, 3, 13 to
the same scripts (the difference is consistently
kept at -2 points for all four scripts), then
using Pearson's method, the correlation
coefficient would
be 1,00,
indicating perfect correlation, which is
definitely not the case in this example. Instead
of Pearson’s r, Shrout and Fleiss (1979) suggest
calculating the ICC as another way of performing
reliability testing. The ICC is an improvement
over Pearson's as it takes into account the
differences in ratings for individual segments,
along with the correlation between raters. In
the example above, the ICC is .94, a measurement
which is more representative of the case. All in
all, the ICC should be used to measure the
inter-rater reliability for two or more raters
and especially if we are interested in using a
team of raters and we want to establish that
they yield consistent results.
The KPG system employs several judges who
randomly form pairs. This, along with the fact
that there are no signals or notes on the
candidate’s paper after the first rating, leads
to handling the raters as absolutely equal
variables. That is, within any pair of ratings,
there is no reason to identify one as 'first'
and the other 'second'; if some or all of them
are labelled the other way round the calculated
correlation presumably would not change.
According to Shrout and Fleiss (1979), there are
numerous versions of the intra-class correlation
coefficient (ICC) that can give quite different
results when applied to the same data.
Therefore, careful consideration of the data
layout and the ICC version is required if one is
to come up with a valid index. When computing
the ICC, the data should be laid out as n cases
or rows, (each row corresponds to each script)
and k variables or columns, for the different
measurements (first and second rating) of the
cases (Wuensch, 2007); in our model, there are
two different measurements/ratings for every
script. The cases are assumed to be a random
sample from a larger population, and the ICC
estimates are based on mean squares obtained by
applying analysis of variance (ANOVA) models to
these data. ICC varies depending on whether the
judges in the study are all the judges of
interest or are a random sample of possible
judges, whether all targets are rated or only a
random sample, and whether reliability is to be
measured based on individual ratings or mean
ratings of all judges (Shrout & Fleiss, 1979).
When the judges/raters are conceived as being a
selection of possible raters/judges, then a
one-way ANOVA is employed. That is, in this
model judges are treated as a random sample, and
the focus of interest is a one-way ANOVA testing
if there is a subject/target effect (Garson,
Intra-class correlations in general are
considered to be measures of reliability or
measures of the magnitude of an effect, but they
are equally important when it comes to
calculating the correlations between pairs of
observations that do not have an obvious order (Maclennan,
1993). The intra-class correlation coefficient
can easily be computed in SPSS and other
statistics software packages. There are five
possible sets of output in the ICC estimates as
offered in the SPSS; of those, the one most
appropriate for computing the ICC in the KPG
examination system is the one-way random effects
model with an estimate for the reliability for
the mean for average measures. In this model,
judges/raters are conceived as being a random
selection of possible raters/judges, who rate
all targets of interest. Even though in this
study not all targets of interest are measured,
we still need to select the one-way random
effects model because this model applies even
when a given rating (e.g. the first rating) for
one subject might be by a different judge than
the first rating for another subject, etc. This
in turn means there is no way to separate out a
judge/rater effect (Garson, 1998). n, 1998).
The ICC can take any
value between 0,00 (which signifies no
correlation) and
(when there is no variance within targets).
Statisticians give different interpretations of
ICC values, but two of the most widely accepted
interpretations are
of Fleiss (1981) and Landis and Koch (1977)
presented in Tables 1 and 2, respectively.
r <0,40 |
poor agreement |
0,40≤ r ≤0,75 |
good agreement |
r >0,75 |
excellent agreement |
Table 1. ICC interpretation according to Fleiss
r <0,00 |
poor agreement |
0,00 ≤r ≤0,20 |
slight |
0,21 ≤r ≤0,40 |
fair |
0,41 ≤r ≤0,59 |
moderate |
0,60 ≤r ≤0,79 |
substantial |
0,80 ≤r ≤1,00 |
almost perfect |
Table 2. ICC interpretation according to Landis
& Koch 1977)
Based on the information in the tables above, we
can assume that a value of 0,60 and above can be
considered to represent a
intra-class correlation, implying a satisfactory
level of rater agreement.
6. Findings
Data from the
in the years
2005-2008 were gathered and analysed using SPSS.
All correlations are statistically significant
(p<.05), and when checked for the Tukey's test
of non-additivity showed that
is no multiplicative interaction between the
cases and the items.
Free Writing Production |
May 2005 |
November 2005 |
May 2006 |
November 2006 |
May 2007 |
November 2007 |
May 2008 |
A |
0,96 |
B1 |
0,76 |
0,73 |
0,78 |
B2 |
0,74 |
0,70 |
0,76 |
0,68 |
0,76 |
0,72 |
0,75 |
C1 |
0,57 |
0,56 |
0,63 |
0,52 |
0,59 |
0,66 |
0,59 |
Mediation |
May 2005 |
November 2005 |
May 2006 |
November 2006 |
May 2007 |
November 2007 |
May 2008 |
A |
0,97 |
B1 |
0,83 |
0,88 |
0,80 |
B2 |
0,77 |
0,75 |
0,74 |
0,72 |
0,80 |
0,69 |
0,75 |
C1 |
0,62 |
0,60 |
0,68 |
0,53 |
0,69 |
0,71 |
0,65 |
Table 3. ICC measurements for all levels and
Table 3 above shows that with the exception of
level in the November 2006 period, the ICC for
both tasks (free writing production and
for all levels and periods, is either well above
or slightly below the cut-off score of 0,60 that
we set as representative of a satisfactory
agreement. The ICC for B1 level is slightly
higher than that for the B2 level, which in turn
is higher than that for the C1 level. The ICC
for the intergraded A level is the highest of
all. This is also reflected in the timeline
Charts 1 and 2 below, which show the ICC
fluctuation for the free writing production and
mediation respectively.
Chart 1: ICC
Free Writing Production Timeline for all levels

Chart 2: ICC Mediation Timeline for all levels
Charts 1 and 2 also clearly demonstrate the
established pattern of lower ICC as the test
level becomes higher. A closer look at Chart 1
shows a
for a more or less stabilized
ICC index for the B2 level at around 0,75,
whereas the ICC index for the C1 level shows an
upward-sloping trendline converging with the B2
measurements. The same pattern is followed in
the data presented in Chart 2, with the two
lines converging around the 0,70 measurement.
Even though data for the B1 level are not yet
sufficient for any definite conclusion, one sees
that ICC estimates for the free writing
production (Chart 1) are slightly higher than
those of B2 level and seem to be converging
towards a little above 0,75. The B1 indices for
mediation (chart 2) are significantly higher,
moving well above 0,80. The measurements for A
level are
represented as dots, since there are records for
only one period (May 2008); however the
extremely high ICC index in the A level
measurements for both tasks is obvious.
7. Discussion of findings
The analysis of the data obtained shows that
raters demonstrated quite high correlations in
the corresponding examination
periods. The ICC
is for most of the cases kept above r=.60, which
qualifies them as strong correlations (Cohen,
1988). One can also notice that the ICC
estimates are consistently higher for the
ratings in level B2 than in level C1. This can
be attributed to the fact that raters are more
experienced in rating B2 level papers, as this
specific exam was the first to have been
administered by the Ministry of Education,
almost a year and a half before the C1 level
exam was introduced. Therefore, there were two
rating periods where raters exclusively for B2
level scripts, before they started rating for C1
level. Additionally, we can assume that C1 level
scripts demonstrate more complex language
choices and deeper and broader cognitive
processes, which leave raters with a broader
range of decisions.
The fact that the ICC for B1
is higher than that of B2 level (although it is
still early to establish a fixed pattern) can be
attributed to various factors. One can be the
lower language level for that test, which
script rating simpler in terms of linguistic and
syntactical choices and judgements. A second
factor is that the candidates (and consequently
the script raters) are given a sample script
which they have to follow in the actual test.
This script acts as a guide for the candidates
when producing a script, resulting in a more or
less homogenous approach to the requested task.
The findings from the latest period confirm the
hypotheses above. The ICC for the A level is
almost 1,00 (perfect correlation). The judgement
choices for the raters are rather limited as the
tasks are simpler than those at B1 level,
resulting in almost identical ratings.
There is a slight drop in ICC estimates in the
November 2006 examination period. As one clearly
sees in Charts 1 and 2, this drop is reflected
in both B2 and C1 levels and in both tasks.
Since in that examination period quite a large
number of new raters were introduced into the
system, one might assume that the ‘experience in
rating KPG scripts factor’ was affected,
resulting in this drop
in ICC. The effect is
rectified in the following periods, which leads
us to come up with the assumption that
experience in rating is of the utmost importance
when it comes to rater agreement. It is worth
noting that there were very similar correlations
between the free written production and
mediation tasks for each period and for each
level when examined individually. This implies
that raters follow a uniform approach towards
the criteria set for every period and
every separate exam. If one looks at
correlations throughout the two levels in the
last three years, one cannot fail to see that
there are no extreme fluctuations in the
strengths. This is another indication of
uniformity in the overall approach towards
rating written texts in the KPG system.
8. Conclusion
The analysis of the data yielded from the KPG
script rating shows that raters apply the
relevant criteria in a generally uniform
showing strong significant correlations in the
different rating periods. The instruments
employed by the test developers have a positive
effect on rater agreement indices as ICC
estimates follow an upward-sloping trend line.
This implies that experience in rating leads to
better correlations, thus constant training of
the raters on the part of the test developers is
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B2 level marking grid
1. Text content, form, style and
2. Appropriacy of lexicogrammatic
Appropriacy of linguistic expression
cohesion and coherence of discourse |
E |
Production of a written
text of specific
content*, in accordance with the
communication case as defined in the
directions, which describes the choice
of form, styles and
organization of the form of speech
prescribed by the ‘norm’ (e.g.
advertisement, application, report).
Selection of the proper linguistic
elements (words and phrases), given
their textual and contextual framework.
Appropriate grammatical and syntactical
use of language with coherence and
Very satisfactory |
A text that responds successfully to the
3 criteria. |
Development of general meaning and
partial meanings with acceptable uses of
language and cohesion of speech.
15 |
It has got minimum errors which do not
prevent the transfer of the meaning of
the text. |
14 |
A text that refers to the subject of the
test and has got the required form and
organization. It includes some mistakes
which do not essentially obstruct
communication. In general, it is a text
with a natural flow of discourse. |
It includes generally accepted uses of
language, although the linguistic
selections may not always be the most
appropriate. |
13 |
Certain linguistic selections are not
appropriate but in accordance with the
basic grammar rules. |
12 |
Moderately satisfactory |
A text that does not deviate from the
subject of the test and is in the
demanded form. It includes some errors
that hinder the transfer of meaning. In
general, it is a text of not totally
natural flow of speech and cohesion of
phrases. |
Certain linguistic selections are not
appropriate and in some cases deviate
from rules of language usage, but the
diction is satisfactory. |
11 |
Several linguistic selections are
inappropriate, diction relatively
satisfactory, but some phrases are
awkward. |
10 |
A text that deals with aspects of the
subject and approaches the form
requested by the task. It includes
errors that hinder understanding at some
points, but there is relevant cohesion
of discourse. |
Certain linguistic selections are not
appropriate and deviate from the
acceptable use of language.
9 |
Several linguistic selections are
inappropriate and/or incorrect according
to grammar rules. |
8 |
Partly satisfactory |
A text that does not deal with the
subject in an absolutely satisfying a
manner and does not exactly have the
form requested by the task. To an extent
errors inhibit its general
understanding. |
Limited vocabulary, inappropriate
expressions and errors, but the meaning
is transferred. |
7 |
The general meaning is transferred, but
the particular information is difficult
to understand. |
6 |
A test which does not have the form
requested by the task and includes
errors of various types. |
Many errors significantly hindering the
understanding of main points. |
5 |
Many and serious errors of vocabulary,
grammar, spelling, etc. |
4 |
Not satisfactory
Irrelevant |
3 |
Text not understood |
2 |
Words scattered |
1 |
No answer |
0 |
* For Activity 2: based on a prompt in
Greek |
B1 level marking grid
Criterion 1:
Task completion.
Candidate responded in terms of: (a)
communicative purpose [mediation],
and (c) genre and register
Criterion 2:
Text grammar.
The text is assessed
for (a) organization/ ordering of
ideas, (b) text coherence, (c) the
cohesion devices used
Criterion 3:
Grammar & vocabulary.
The text is assessed
for (a) grammar/syntax, (b) choice
of vocabulary, (c) spelling and
E |
A. |
Fully satisfactory |
Good organization of
ideas, fully coherent text, simple
but correct/appropriate cohesion
devices. |
Correct structures;
appropriate vocabulary; standard
spelling. |
15 |
Insignificant grammar
errors; appropriate but limited
vocabulary; few spelling errors
that do not distort meaning. |
14 |
Good organization of
ideas, fully coherent text, simple
and mostly correct/appropriate
cohesion devices. |
Simple structures
with a few insignificant errors;
vocabulary is limited; there are
occasional vocabulary and spelling
errors that do not distort meaning. |
13 |
Simple structures
with insignificant errors,
vocabulary is limited but only few
words are incorrect; spelling is
acceptable. |
12 |
B. |
satisfactory |
Fairly good
organization of ideas, fully
coherent text, using simple but
mostly correct cohesion devices. |
Simple structures
with a few errors that do not
distort meaning; limited and
sometimes incorrect vocabulary and
spelling. |
11 |
Simple structures
with a few serious errors that do
not interfere with intelligibility;
limited but appropriate vocabulary
; some incorrect words and
spelling. |
10 |
Fairly good
organization of ideas, coherent
text, simple cohesion devices which
are sometimes incorrect and
frequently inappropriate. |
A few problematic
structures; generally limited and
somewhat inappropriate vocabulary;
some incorrect words and spelling. |
9 |
A few problematic
structures; limited and
inappropriate vocabulary; some
incorrect words and spelling. |
8 |
C. |
Unsatisfactory –
questionable pass |
Ideas are somewhat
disorganized, but the text is
generally coherent and the cohesion
of the text is sometimes
problematic. |
Quite a few grammar
errors, vocabulary and spelling but
the errors generally do not impede
intelligibility. |
7 |
Frequent grammar
errors, use of some inappropriate
vocabulary and often wrong
spelling. But, these errors do not
impede intelligibility. |
6 |
Poor organization of
ideas, sometimes text is incoherent
and the cohesion seriously
problematic. |
Grammar and
vocabulary errors are frequent and
parts of the text are sometimes
difficult to understand. |
5 |
Grammar and
vocabulary errors are very frequent
and a few parts of the text are
unintelligible. |
4 |
D. |
Irrelevant text |
3 |
E. |
Unintelligible text |
2 |
F. |
No response or
scattered words |
1 |