December 2010
Validity control in language proficiency testing (in
by Antonis Tsopanoglou,
Aristotle University
of Thessaloniki
[abstract] [html]
This article examines the term validity as a cohesive
and multidimensional concept of scientific research
methodology, as suggested by Messick (1989)
and Bachman (1990).
Its aim, and hence its contribution, is dual. Firstly,
it sets out to
identify seven dimensions of validity which are
considered crucial in language proficiency testing,
itself viewed as a research process. Secondly, it raises
a series of questions which may serve as guide to those who are
responsible for language proficiency testing. The same
questions are, of course, also useful to those who are
responsible for assessing the validity of language
testing and certification systems. In the last part of
the article, I discuss and present schematically those
processes of validity control which seem to serve most
appropriately the internal and external evaluation of a
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