
Research and publications

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RCeL editions





  1. Karavas, Kia (ed.). (2009). The KPG Speaking Test in English. A Handbook. Athens: RCeL publications, University of Athens: http://rcel.enl.uoa.gr/kpg/handbook_speaking.htm
  2. Dendrinos, Bessie & Kia Karavas (2013). The KPG Handbook: Performance Descriptors and Specifications. Athens: RCeL publications, National and Kapodistrian University of Athens: http://rcel.enl.uoa.gr/kpg/files/KPG_Handbook_17X24.pdf
  3. RCeL e-periodocal: http://rcel.enl.uoa.gr/periodical/prev_articles_en.htm
  4. The KPG Exams: Matters of Special Concern. DIRECTIONS in Language Teaching and Testing, Vol. 1, 2013. http://rcel.enl.uoa.gr/directions/current_issue.htm
  5. Liontou, Trisevgeni. (2015) Computational Text Analysis and Reading Comprehension Exam Complexity: Towards Automatic Text Classification. (Language Testing and Evaluation Series). Frankfurt am Main: Peter Lang.
  6. Stathopoulou, Maria. (2015) Cross-Language Mediation in Foreign Language Teaching and Testing. Bristol: Multilingual Matters.


  1. Ainciburu, Maria Cecilia. (2011). Al dia El Certificado Estatal de Conocimiento de Lenguas Extranjeras (KPG). Revista Nebrija de Linguistica Aplicada, 9(5), 112-115
  2. Alexopoulou, Angelica. El enfoque basado en los generos textuales y la evaluacion de la competencia discursiva. De Santiago Guervos et al. (Eds.) Del texto a la lengua: la aplicacion de los textos a la ensenanza-aprendizaje del espanol L2-LE. Actas del XXI Congreso Internacional de ASELE. Imprenta Kadmos: Salamanca, 2011. 97-110.
  3. Apostolou, E. (2010). Comparing Perceived and Actual Task and Text Difficulty in the Assessment of Listening Comprehension. Papers from LAEL PG 2010, 5, 26-47.
  4. Apostolou, Elizabeth & Dendrinos, Bessie (2009). What's So Hard About Listening? ELT News. Available at: http://rcel.enl.uoa.gr/kpg/kpgcorner_oct2009.htm
  5. Delhaye, Olivier (2009): Presentation d'un nouvel instrument pour la notation des productions ecrites aux examens des langues (KPG) organises par le Ministere grec de l' education nationale et des cultes. Στο: Αντώνης Τσοπάνογλου (επιμ.): Ζητήματα πιστοποίησης της γλωσσομάθειας. Το Κρατικό Πιστοποιητικό Γλωσσομάθειας ως σημείο αναφοράς. Θεσσαλονίκη: Μάλλιαρης Παιδεία, σελ. 45–68.
  6. Delieza, Xenia. (2010). Monitoring and Evaluating the KPG Speaking Test. ELT News. Available at: http://rcel.enl.uoa.gr/kpg/kpgcorner_march2010.htm
  7. Delieza, Xenia. (2011). ‘Co-construction’ in the B2 and C1 KPG oral exams: a comparison of examiners as a factor involved in candidates’ performance. Research Papers in Language Teaching and Learning, Faculty of Humanities, Hellenic Open University, Greece.
  8. Delieza, Xenia. (in press). Monitoring KPG Examiner Conduct. Directions in Language Teaching and Testing (Vol. 1). Athens: RCeL Publications.
  9. Dendrinos, Bessie (2006): Mediation in communication, language teaching and testing. In: Journal of Applied Linguistics 22, S. 9–35.
  10. Dendrinos, B. (2009). Rationale and Ideology of the KPG Exams. ELT News. Available at: http://rcel.enl.uoa.gr/kpg/kpgcorner_sep2009.htm
  11. Dendrinos, Bessie. (2009) Prep Couses for the Exams in School? ELT News. Available at: http://rcel.enl.uoa.gr/kpg/kpgcorner_nov2009.htm
  12. Dendrinos, Bessie. (2010). Genre-based writing in the KPG exams. ELT News. Available at: http://rcel.enl.uoa.gr/kpg/kpgcorner_march2010.htm
  13. Dendrinos. Bessie (2014). Testing and Teaching Mediation: Input from the KPG exams in English. Directions in Language Teaching and Testing (Vol. 1). Athens: RCEL Publications. Available at: http://rcel.enl.uoa.gr/directions/current_issue.htm
  14. Dendrinos, Bessie (2014). The KPG Handbook. Athens: RCeL Publications.
  15. Dendrinos, Bessie & Liontou, Jenny. (2009). The KPG Exams from the Point of View of the Candidate. ELT News: http://rcel.enl.uoa.gr/kpg/kpgcorner_april2009.htm
  16. Dendrinos, Bessie & Stathopoulou, Maria. (2009). Strategies for Successful Test Performance. ELT News: http://rcel.enl.uoa.gr/kpg/kpgcorner_may2009.htm
  17. Dendrinos, B. & Stathopoulou, M. (2010). Mediation activities: Cross-Language Communication Performance. ELT News, 249(12): http://rcel.enl.uoa.gr/kpg/kpgcorner_may2010.htm
  18. Dendrinos, Bessie, & Mitsikopoulou, B. (in press). The KPG Writing Test in English: a Handbook. University of Athens. RCeL Publications.
  19. Dendrinos, Bessie & Stathopoulou, Maria. (2009). Strategies for successful test performance. ELT News, 238 (8): http://rcel.enl.uoa.gr/kpg/kpgcorner_may2009.htm
  20. Gotsoulia, Voula & Dendrinos, Bessie. (2011). Towards a Corpus-based Approach to Modelling Language Production of Foreign Language Learners in Communicative Contexts. In Proceedings of the 8th Recent Advances in Natural Language Processing conference. Hissar, Bulgaria.
  21. Hartzoulakis, Vassilis. (2009) Item Analysis in the KPG Exams. ELT News. Available at: http://rcel.enl.uoa.gr/kpg/kpgcorner_dec2009.htm
  22. Hartzoulakis, Vassilis. (in press). Rater Agreement in KPG Writing Assessment. Directions in Language Teaching and Testing (Vol. 1). Athens: RCeL Publications.
  23. Karavas Evdokia. (2009). Training Script Raters for the KPG Exams. ELT News: http://rcel.enl.uoa.gr/kpg/kpgcorner_jun2009.htm
  24. Karavas, Evdokia (ed). (2009). The KPG Speaking Test in English: A Handbook. Athens: RCeL Publications.
  25. Karavas, Evdokia. (2009). The KPG Speaking Test Defining Characteristics. ELT News. Available at: http://rcel.enl.uoa.gr/kpg/kpgcorner_feb2010.htm
  26. Karavas, Evdokia. (2014). Fairness and Ethical Language Testing: The Case Of The KPG. Directions in Language Teaching and Testing (Vol. 1). Athens: RCeL Publications. Available at: http://rcel.enl.uoa.gr/directions/current_issue.htm
  27. Karavas, Evdokia & Delieza, Xenia. (2009). On site observation of KPG oral examiners: Implications for oral examiner training and evaluation Apples. Journal of Applied Language Studies, 3/1:51-77.
  28. Liontou, Trisevgeni. (2011). Re-examining text difficulty through automated textual analysis tools and readers’ beliefs: the case of the Greek State Certificate of English Language Proficiency exam. Research Papers in Language Teaching and Learning, Faculty of Humanities, Hellenic Open University, Greece.
  29. Liontou, Trisevgeni. (2014). The Test Taker as a Factor Affecting the Readability of KPG Texts. Directions in Language Teaching and Testing (Vol. 1). Athens: RCEL Publications. Available at: http://rcel.enl.uoa.gr/directions/current_issue.htm
  30. Lugo, S. y Alexopoulou, A. 2012. KPG: Certificado estatal de lenguas. Revista Nebrija de Linguistica Aplicada 13 (numero especial – Actas de Congreso. Available at: http://www.nebrija.com/revista-linguistica/revista-linguistica-nebrija13/htm/LugoyAlexopoulou.htm
  31. Mitsikopoulou, Bessie (2009). Evaluation Criteria For The KPG Writing Test in English ELT News. Available at: http://rcel.enl.uoa.gr/kpg/kpgcorner_jul_aug2009.htm
  32. Nteliou Elfie and Dendrinos Bessie. (2010). Oral Mediation in the KPG Exams ELT News. Available at: http://rcel.enl.uoa.gr/kpg/kpgcorner_june2010.htm
  33. Oikonomidou, Vasso. (2010). Designing fair writing testing tasks. In Mader Judith and Urkun Zeynep” Putting the CEFR to Good Use: Selected articles by the presenters of the IATEFL Testing, Evaluation and Assessment Special Interest Group (TEA SIG), EALTA Conference in Barcelona, Spain.
  34. Oikonomidou V. & B. Dendrinos (2010). Script Assessment and Writing Task Difficulty: The Script Raters' Perspective.
  35. Stathopoulou, Maria. (2014). Written mediation tasks in the Greek national foreign language exams: Linguistic analysis and description. In Aguilar, J., Brudermann, C. Leclere, M (Eds). Complexite, diversite et specificite: Pratiques didactiques en contexte. Universite Sorbonne Nouvelle Paris III. 248-241.
  36. Stathopoulou, Maria. (2014). Exploring the Test-Taking Strategies used for the KPG Writing Tasks. Directions in Language Teaching and Testing (Vol. 1). Athens: RCeL Publications. Available at: http://rcel.enl.uoa.gr/directions/current_issue.htm
  37. Stathopoulou, Maria. (2013). Investigating Mediation as Translanguaging Practice in a Testing Context: Towards the Development of Levelled Mediation Descriptors. In the Proceedings of the International Conference Language Testing in Europe: Time for a New Framework? University of Antwerp, Belgium, May 2013.
  38. Stathopoulou, Maria. (2013). The linguistic characteristics of KPG written mediation tasks across levels. In Lavidas, N. Alexiou, T. & Sougari, A. M. (Eds.) Major Trends in Theoretical and Applied Linguistics: Selected Papers from 20th ISTAL. London: Versita de Gruyter. 349-366
  39. Stathopoulou, Maria. (in press) Task Dependent Translanguaging Performance: An Empirical Study in a Testing Context. In Docherty, C. & Barker, F. (Eds.) Language Assessment for Multilingualism. Proceedings of the ALTE Paris Conference (Studies in Language Testing Series). Cambridge University Press.
  40. Stathopoulou Maria. (in press) From languaging to translanguaging: Reconsidering foreign language teaching and testing through a multilingual lens. In Mattheoudakis, M. and Nicolaidis, K. (Eds.) Selected Papers of the 21st International Symposium on Theoretical and Applied Linguistics, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki.
  41. Stathopoulou, Maria and Nikaki, Doriana. (2009). Test-Taking strategies in the KPG reading test: Instrument construction & Investigation results. Journal of Applied Linguistics, 25: 129-148.
  42. Wiedenmayer, Dafni (2006). DaF-Testen. Testentwicklung und Testbeurteilung. Athens: DaF extra Verlag.


  1. The deliberations of the third day of the conference entitled “The social and political discourse for foreign language education in the EU today” (http://rcel.enl.uoa.gr/synedrio/) were dedicated to “The KPG exams: The past, present and future” (different members of the university teams of the sic KPG languages spoke: A. Alexopoulou, B. Dendrinos, K. Karava, R. Kigitsioglou, K. Mitralexi, E. Sella, M. Mavropoulou, A.Tsopanoglou, Ch. Zagouraw & T. Skiniotis, A. Venturis and D. Weidenmyer

  2. 2015
  3. Multilingual Platform for Computer Adaptive Language Testing in six languages: The case of the national foreign language exams in Greece, Β. Δενδρινού, παρουσίαση στη Μονάδα Πολυγλωσσίας στη Γενική Διεύθυνση Εκπαίδευσης και Πολιτισμού της Ευρωπαϊκής Επιτροπής.
  4. The KPG e-school: The link between proficiency testing and schoolwork. Talk delivered by Bessie Mitsikopoulou at the international conference “Rethinking Language, Diversity and Education” (May 2015)
  5. The KPG and the CEFR Levels of Language Competences: Adding linguistic details to descriptors, Bessie Dendrinos & Voula Gotsoulia, RCeL seminar.

  6. 2014
  7. Assessing test-takers' translanguaging competence: The case of the Greek national exams for foreign language proficiency. Paper presented in ALTE Paris 2014: Language Assessment for Multilingualism - Promoting Linguistic Diversity and Intercultural Communication. Paris, 10-11 April 2014.Stathopoulou, Maria.
  8. Cultural Familiarity and Reading Comprehension Performance: The test–takers’ perspective. Paper presented in ALTE Paris 2014: Language
  9. Assessment for Multilingualism - Promoting Linguistic Diversity and Intercultural Communication. Paris, 10-11 April 2014. Liontou, Jenny.

  10. 2013
  11. «Διαβαθμισμένη & Διαφοροποιημένη Εξέταση Γ: Η δική μας ταυτότητα», Ημερίδα ΠΕΚΑΔΕ, Σεπτέμβρης 2013, Δενδρινού Β. σε συνεργασία με Αποστόλου Ε., Γκέκα, Β., Ζορμπά Β, Μπλάνη Β., Σταθοπούλου Μ. και Χίλλ Μ.
  12. Investigating Mediation as Translanguaging Practice in a Testing Context: Towards the Development of Levelled Mediation Descriptors. LanguageTesting in Europe: Time for a New Framework? University of Antwerp, Belgium, May 2013. Stathopoulou, Maria
  13. Investigating translanguaging and interlinguistic mediation strategies: the case of the Greek National Foreign Language Exams. Language and Super-diversity: Explorations and interrogations. University of Jyvaskyla, Finland. June 2013. Stathopoulou, Maria
  14. Rethinking foreign language education in a multilingual perspective: exploring translanguaging and interlingual mediation practices.21th
  15. International Symposium on Theoretical and Applied Linguistics. Thessaloniki, April 2013. Stathopoulou, Maria


The KPG multilingual examination suite


Test papers and evaluator training


Research and publications


Funded KPG Projects


Partnership with the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki



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