- Karavas, Kia (ed.). (2009). The KPG Speaking Test in English. A Handbook. Athens: RCeL publications, University of Athens: http://rcel.enl.uoa.gr/kpg/handbook_speaking.htm
- Dendrinos, Bessie & Kia Karavas (2013). The KPG Handbook: Performance Descriptors and Specifications. Athens: RCeL publications, National and Kapodistrian University of Athens: http://rcel.enl.uoa.gr/kpg/files/KPG_Handbook_17X24.pdf
- RCeL e-periodocal: http://rcel.enl.uoa.gr/periodical/prev_articles_en.htm
- The KPG Exams: Matters of Special Concern. DIRECTIONS in Language Teaching and Testing, Vol. 1, 2013. http://rcel.enl.uoa.gr/directions/current_issue.htm
- Liontou, Trisevgeni. (2015) Computational Text Analysis and Reading Comprehension Exam Complexity: Towards Automatic Text Classification. (Language Testing and Evaluation Series). Frankfurt am Main: Peter Lang.
- Stathopoulou, Maria. (2015) Cross-Language Mediation in Foreign Language Teaching and Testing. Bristol: Multilingual Matters.
- Ainciburu, Maria Cecilia. (2011). Al dia El Certificado Estatal de Conocimiento de Lenguas Extranjeras (KPG). Revista Nebrija de Linguistica Aplicada, 9(5), 112-115
- Alexopoulou, Angelica. El enfoque basado en los generos textuales y la evaluacion de la competencia discursiva. De Santiago Guervos et al. (Eds.) Del texto a la lengua: la aplicacion de los textos a la ensenanza-aprendizaje del espanol L2-LE. Actas del XXI Congreso Internacional de ASELE. Imprenta Kadmos: Salamanca, 2011. 97-110.
- Apostolou, E. (2010). Comparing Perceived and Actual Task and Text Difficulty in the Assessment of Listening Comprehension. Papers from LAEL PG 2010, 5, 26-47.
- Apostolou, Elizabeth & Dendrinos, Bessie (2009). What's So Hard About Listening? ELT News. Available at: http://rcel.enl.uoa.gr/kpg/kpgcorner_oct2009.htm
- Delhaye, Olivier (2009): Presentation d'un nouvel instrument pour la notation des productions ecrites aux examens des langues (KPG) organises par le Ministere grec de l' education nationale et des cultes. Στο: Αντώνης Τσοπάνογλου (επιμ.): Ζητήματα πιστοποίησης της γλωσσομάθειας. Το Κρατικό Πιστοποιητικό Γλωσσομάθειας ως σημείο αναφοράς. Θεσσαλονίκη: Μάλλιαρης Παιδεία, σελ. 45–68.
- Delieza, Xenia. (2010). Monitoring and Evaluating the KPG Speaking Test. ELT News. Available at: http://rcel.enl.uoa.gr/kpg/kpgcorner_march2010.htm
- Delieza, Xenia. (2011). ‘Co-construction’ in the B2 and C1 KPG oral exams: a comparison of examiners as a factor involved in candidates’ performance. Research Papers in Language Teaching and Learning, Faculty of Humanities, Hellenic Open University, Greece.
- Delieza, Xenia. (in press). Monitoring KPG Examiner Conduct. Directions in Language Teaching and Testing (Vol. 1). Athens: RCeL Publications.
- Dendrinos, Bessie (2006): Mediation in communication, language teaching and testing. In: Journal of Applied Linguistics 22, S. 9–35.
- Dendrinos, B. (2009). Rationale and Ideology of the KPG Exams. ELT News. Available at: http://rcel.enl.uoa.gr/kpg/kpgcorner_sep2009.htm
- Dendrinos, Bessie. (2009) Prep Couses for the Exams in School? ELT News. Available at: http://rcel.enl.uoa.gr/kpg/kpgcorner_nov2009.htm
- Dendrinos, Bessie. (2010). Genre-based writing in the KPG exams. ELT News. Available at: http://rcel.enl.uoa.gr/kpg/kpgcorner_march2010.htm
- Dendrinos. Bessie (2014). Testing and Teaching Mediation: Input from the KPG exams in English. Directions in Language Teaching and Testing (Vol. 1). Athens: RCEL Publications. Available at: http://rcel.enl.uoa.gr/directions/current_issue.htm
- Dendrinos, Bessie (2014). The KPG Handbook. Athens: RCeL Publications.
- Dendrinos, Bessie & Liontou, Jenny. (2009). The KPG Exams from the Point of View of the Candidate. ELT News: http://rcel.enl.uoa.gr/kpg/kpgcorner_april2009.htm
- Dendrinos, Bessie & Stathopoulou, Maria. (2009). Strategies for Successful Test Performance. ELT News: http://rcel.enl.uoa.gr/kpg/kpgcorner_may2009.htm
- Dendrinos, B. & Stathopoulou, M. (2010). Mediation activities: Cross-Language Communication Performance. ELT News, 249(12): http://rcel.enl.uoa.gr/kpg/kpgcorner_may2010.htm
- Dendrinos, Bessie, & Mitsikopoulou, B. (in press). The KPG Writing Test in English: a Handbook. University of Athens. RCeL Publications.
- Dendrinos, Bessie & Stathopoulou, Maria. (2009). Strategies for successful test performance. ELT News, 238 (8): http://rcel.enl.uoa.gr/kpg/kpgcorner_may2009.htm
- Gotsoulia, Voula & Dendrinos, Bessie. (2011). Towards a Corpus-based Approach to Modelling Language Production of Foreign Language Learners in Communicative Contexts. In Proceedings of the 8th Recent Advances in Natural Language Processing conference. Hissar, Bulgaria.
- Hartzoulakis, Vassilis. (2009) Item Analysis in the KPG Exams. ELT News. Available at: http://rcel.enl.uoa.gr/kpg/kpgcorner_dec2009.htm
- Hartzoulakis, Vassilis. (in press). Rater Agreement in KPG Writing Assessment. Directions in Language Teaching and Testing (Vol. 1). Athens: RCeL Publications.
- Karavas Evdokia. (2009). Training Script Raters for the KPG Exams. ELT News: http://rcel.enl.uoa.gr/kpg/kpgcorner_jun2009.htm
- Karavas, Evdokia (ed). (2009). The KPG Speaking Test in English: A Handbook. Athens: RCeL Publications.
- Karavas, Evdokia. (2009). The KPG Speaking Test Defining Characteristics. ELT News. Available at: http://rcel.enl.uoa.gr/kpg/kpgcorner_feb2010.htm
- Karavas, Evdokia. (2014). Fairness and Ethical Language Testing: The Case Of The KPG. Directions in Language Teaching and Testing (Vol. 1). Athens: RCeL Publications. Available at: http://rcel.enl.uoa.gr/directions/current_issue.htm
- Karavas, Evdokia & Delieza, Xenia. (2009). On site observation of KPG oral examiners: Implications for oral examiner training and evaluation Apples. Journal of Applied Language Studies, 3/1:51-77.
- Liontou, Trisevgeni. (2011). Re-examining text difficulty through automated textual analysis tools and readers’ beliefs: the case of the Greek State Certificate of English Language Proficiency exam. Research Papers in Language Teaching and Learning, Faculty of Humanities, Hellenic Open University, Greece.
- Liontou, Trisevgeni. (2014). The Test Taker as a Factor Affecting the Readability of KPG Texts. Directions in Language Teaching and Testing (Vol. 1). Athens: RCEL Publications. Available at: http://rcel.enl.uoa.gr/directions/current_issue.htm
- Lugo, S. y Alexopoulou, A. 2012. KPG: Certificado estatal de lenguas. Revista Nebrija de Linguistica Aplicada 13 (numero especial – Actas de Congreso. Available at: http://www.nebrija.com/revista-linguistica/revista-linguistica-nebrija13/htm/LugoyAlexopoulou.htm
- Mitsikopoulou, Bessie (2009). Evaluation Criteria For The KPG Writing Test in English ELT News. Available at: http://rcel.enl.uoa.gr/kpg/kpgcorner_jul_aug2009.htm
- Nteliou Elfie and Dendrinos Bessie. (2010). Oral Mediation in the KPG Exams ELT News. Available at: http://rcel.enl.uoa.gr/kpg/kpgcorner_june2010.htm
- Oikonomidou, Vasso. (2010). Designing fair writing testing tasks. In Mader Judith and Urkun Zeynep” Putting the CEFR to Good Use: Selected articles by the presenters of the IATEFL Testing, Evaluation and Assessment Special Interest Group (TEA SIG), EALTA Conference in Barcelona, Spain.
- Oikonomidou V. & B. Dendrinos (2010). Script Assessment and Writing Task Difficulty: The Script Raters' Perspective.
- Stathopoulou, Maria. (2014). Written mediation tasks in the Greek national foreign language exams: Linguistic analysis and description. In Aguilar, J., Brudermann, C. Leclere, M (Eds). Complexite, diversite et specificite: Pratiques didactiques en contexte. Universite Sorbonne Nouvelle Paris III. 248-241.
- Stathopoulou, Maria. (2014). Exploring the Test-Taking Strategies used for the KPG Writing Tasks. Directions in Language Teaching and Testing (Vol. 1). Athens: RCeL Publications. Available at: http://rcel.enl.uoa.gr/directions/current_issue.htm
- Stathopoulou, Maria. (2013). Investigating Mediation as Translanguaging Practice in a Testing Context: Towards the Development of Levelled Mediation Descriptors. In the Proceedings of the International Conference Language Testing in Europe: Time for a New Framework? University of Antwerp, Belgium, May 2013.
- Stathopoulou, Maria. (2013). The linguistic characteristics of KPG written mediation tasks across levels. In Lavidas, N. Alexiou, T. & Sougari, A. M. (Eds.) Major Trends in Theoretical and Applied Linguistics: Selected Papers from 20th ISTAL. London: Versita de Gruyter. 349-366
- Stathopoulou, Maria. (in press) Task Dependent Translanguaging Performance: An Empirical Study in a Testing Context. In Docherty, C. & Barker, F. (Eds.) Language Assessment for Multilingualism. Proceedings of the ALTE Paris Conference (Studies in Language Testing Series). Cambridge University Press.
- Stathopoulou Maria. (in press) From languaging to translanguaging: Reconsidering foreign language teaching and testing through a multilingual lens. In Mattheoudakis, M. and Nicolaidis, K. (Eds.) Selected Papers of the 21st International Symposium on Theoretical and Applied Linguistics, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki.
- Stathopoulou, Maria and Nikaki, Doriana. (2009). Test-Taking strategies in the KPG reading test: Instrument construction & Investigation results. Journal of Applied Linguistics, 25: 129-148.
- Wiedenmayer, Dafni (2006). DaF-Testen. Testentwicklung und Testbeurteilung. Athens: DaF extra Verlag.
- The deliberations of the third day of the conference entitled “The social and political discourse for foreign language education in the EU today” (http://rcel.enl.uoa.gr/synedrio/) were dedicated to “The KPG exams: The past, present and future” (different members of the university teams of the sic KPG languages spoke: A. Alexopoulou, B. Dendrinos, K. Karava, R. Kigitsioglou, K. Mitralexi, E. Sella, M. Mavropoulou, A.Tsopanoglou, Ch. Zagouraw & T. Skiniotis, A. Venturis and D. Weidenmyer
- Multilingual Platform for Computer Adaptive Language Testing in six languages: The case of the national foreign language exams in Greece, Β. Δενδρινού, παρουσίαση στη Μονάδα Πολυγλωσσίας στη Γενική Διεύθυνση Εκπαίδευσης και Πολιτισμού της Ευρωπαϊκής Επιτροπής.
- The KPG e-school: The link between proficiency testing and schoolwork. Talk delivered by Bessie Mitsikopoulou at the international conference “Rethinking Language, Diversity and Education” (May 2015)
- The KPG and the CEFR Levels of Language Competences: Adding linguistic details to descriptors, Bessie Dendrinos & Voula Gotsoulia, RCeL seminar.
- Assessing test-takers' translanguaging competence: The case of the Greek national exams for foreign language proficiency. Paper presented in ALTE Paris 2014: Language Assessment for Multilingualism - Promoting Linguistic Diversity and Intercultural Communication. Paris, 10-11 April 2014.Stathopoulou, Maria.
- Cultural Familiarity and Reading Comprehension Performance: The test–takers’ perspective. Paper presented in ALTE Paris 2014: Language
- Assessment for Multilingualism - Promoting Linguistic Diversity and Intercultural Communication. Paris, 10-11 April 2014. Liontou, Jenny.
- «Διαβαθμισμένη & Διαφοροποιημένη Εξέταση Γ: Η δική μας ταυτότητα», Ημερίδα ΠΕΚΑΔΕ, Σεπτέμβρης 2013, Δενδρινού Β. σε συνεργασία με Αποστόλου Ε., Γκέκα, Β., Ζορμπά Β, Μπλάνη Β., Σταθοπούλου Μ. και Χίλλ Μ.
- Investigating Mediation as Translanguaging Practice in a Testing Context: Towards the Development of Levelled Mediation Descriptors. LanguageTesting in Europe: Time for a New Framework? University of Antwerp, Belgium, May 2013. Stathopoulou, Maria
- Investigating translanguaging and interlinguistic mediation strategies: the case of the Greek National Foreign Language Exams. Language and Super-diversity: Explorations and interrogations. University of Jyvaskyla, Finland. June 2013. Stathopoulou, Maria
- Rethinking foreign language education in a multilingual perspective: exploring translanguaging and interlingual mediation practices.21th
- International Symposium on Theoretical and Applied Linguistics. Thessaloniki, April 2013. Stathopoulou, Maria