
Research and publications

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RCeL editions




The aim of this project is to determine the linguistic ‘profile’ of the Greek learner/user of the foreign languages included in the National Curriculum. It comprises the essential scientific and research basis that will inform, on an ongoing basis, the Integrated Curriculum for Foreign Languages (henceforth, ICFL) and will support the development of novel teaching and learning materials as well as clear benchmarks and standardised measures (test specifications) for the objective assessment of language performance, for students whose first language is Greek. To this end, the contextual language use that learners make in various communicative contexts, at each of the six levels of language proficiency, on the scale of the Council of Europe (as published in the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages, CEFR), is described linguistically and is documented on the basis of extensive empirical data (i.e. language data produced by learners). Combining a theoretically well-founded framework for the representation of lexical meaning and a model for the analysis of the functional context of language use (genre-based model), we implement an innovative, generic methodology suitable for documenting the lexicogrammatical features of the learner language production in various communicative environments. On the basis of this analysis, we will produce sets of detailed, coherent descriptors specifying how learners articulate socially purposeful meanings, at each CEFR level. The resulting descriptors are aimed at making the distinction between the CEFR levels explicit, providing concrete examples of how linguistic knowledge is gradually acquired by a particular group of learners. They will be linked with the Can Do statements articulated in the ICFL, which are consistent with the illustrative CEFR descriptors for each proficiency level.

The first phase of the project sets out to investigate data drawn from the English Corpus of the RCeL, comprising collections of written texts (scripts) that have been produced by candidates in the KPG English examinations. The KPG script collections have been developed over a period of seven years and, up to date, they amount to 3.5 million words. They have been systematised in a Script Database which is being enriched on an ongoing basis, maintaining a balance across representation of proficiency levels, types of activities which candidates are asked to perform as well as communicative environments to which they are asked to respond. Later on, the KPG Corpus will also include German and Spanish data (scripts).


The KPG multilingual examination suite


Test papers and evaluator training


Research and publications


Funded KPG Projects


Partnership with the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki



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